Yellow fever is a viral infection transmitted by mosquitoes, commonly found in parts of Africa and South America. The yellow fever vaccination provides lifelong protection against this potentially fatal disease and is often required for travel to certain countries.
Hepatitis A & B, Typhoid, Tetanus, Yellow Fever and much more
Ideal for frequent travellers
Pharmacy registered and regulated by General Pharmaceutical Council
Walk in or book online for our clinics
Get expert advise on your travel vaccinations. We have wide range of vaccines available to help you travel safely.
One off consultation fee of £30 first person and £5 additional persons applies.
Yes, many countries require proof of vaccination for entry, especially those in yellow fever endemic areas.
One dose provides lifelong protection.
The vaccine is usually not recommended during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Consult with a healthcare provider.
Most people experience mild side effects like soreness at the injection site, but serious side effects are rare.
Our Travel Vaccination process is simple and efficient, ensuring you're protected wherever you go. Complete questionnaire to let us know where you are going and the vaccinations you required.
You attend the clinic for vaccinations. For medications such as antimalarial tablets, you can attend a video consultation and we deliver medication to you.
Experienced and accredited pharmacist providing personalised service for our customers. Start by completing the questionnaire and book a slot with our specialist pharmacist.
Years of expertise and hands-on knowledge ensure top-notch service tailored to your needs
At the end of an assessment you get to speak speak directly to a pharmacist to ensure all your concerns are discussed.
24 Hour Delivery Available. Call Us for Emergency Supply
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